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Less bruising, more comfort. - Isavela Compression Garments

Less bruising, more comfort.

Por Sarah Silva

Well-made surgical compression garments are designed to provide the perfect amount of pressure uniformly across your body. This keeps swelling in check and keeps discomfort...

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Using compression to reduce dimpling - Isavela Compression Garments

Using compression to reduce dimpling

Por Sarah Silva

For about 4-6 weeks after surgery, your body will be working overtime to heal. Just as you form a scar to mend a cut on...

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First and second stage garments: What's the difference? - Isavela Compression Garments

First and second stage garments: What's the difference?

Por Sarah Silva

Stage One garments provide proper compression immediately following surgery and are to be worn as your doctor specifies. This zippered garment with hooks and eyes, and...

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Does compression help sagging skin? - Isavela Compression Garments

Does compression help sagging skin?

Por Sarah Silva

The garment minimizes and smooths saggy skin. It’s natural for skin to sag after the fat is removed. Without the right compression garment, skin doesn’t...

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